27 September 2007

Inside Out

invited guest: António Vieira

I believe many of us knows António (commonly recognised as deFocused) for years. More or less that long (after first anniversary of the F blog, I am authorised to say that :)) we talked about showing António's works at the F blog. I am happy that finally we are doing that. And more - it is not the last time...

Born in 1965 em Coimbra, Portugal, lives and works in Lisbon.
His work integrated several group exhibitions in Portugal, Spain and Norway; His work was published in magazines in Portugal, Spain and UK and on several online sites and magazines.
He is responsible for the sites: http://defocused.net and http://livinginabox.net.
The work presented here is a small part of a project called "one hundred polaroids" made availble in "printing-on-demand" book by Lulu.

invited by Marcin Górski