02 October 2008

Gruppo F inbox: Jens Windolf

© Jens Windolf

Ami Vitale in Gliwice

tonight, 2.10.08 at 5.00 p.m Gliwice House of Photography opens exhibition of Ami Vitale "My eyes, your world". We are happy to invite you all to be part in this event, especially that Ami was guest of The F blog and that this exhibition is a real life emanation of F blog. The F blog is a god father of this exhibition. I am more then sure we will have soon more of those real life signs of The F blog activity.

photo by Ami Vitale
Exibition is organised in frame of 3rd Gliwice Month of Photography.
Where: Halogen, Fabryka Drutu, Dubois 22, Gliwice, Pl
Exhibition will be open everyday (except Mondays) since 4 till 7.00 pm, untill the end of the month.

works are still in progress (everybody invited to help :))

photos by Marcin Górski