09 December 2006


Fotografier av Sanna Sjöswärd
Visas 3 dec 2006 - 21 jan 2007
Temakväll: Rötter, Visning av utställningen och unga filmarna Hadis Abdollahi Moghaddam & Kimya Shams visar sin dokumentärfilm om livet som unga i dagens Iran.
När: Onsdag 10 januari, kl 18 - 20
Fotograf Sanna Sjöswärd berättar om utställningen och sin resa till Iran.
När: Lördag 20 januari
Guidade visningar av utställningen: Ons 17 jan kl 18, sön 21 jan kl 13
Värmlands museum
Sandgrundsudden i Karlstad
Tel: 054-143100

Pälsänglar (eng: fur angels)

Invited guest: Viktor Gårdsäter

Viktor sent me eight "lone stars". Great pictures from this young man
with a free mind and fresh eyes. I have met Viktor once in real life.
You will see him soon again at a gallery near you. I am sure of that.
Viktor has added some comments to all of the pictures.

Invited by ulf fågelhammar

My friends Linus and Farzad at Linus summer house

Looks like the little kid has to wait until the older
guys are finished.The picture is taken at
Björns Trädgård in Stockholm.

This is My Grandpa in his house.
His name is Erik and he is 86 years old

This picture is taken in Blackeberg, a suburb to Stockholm.
What does the shadow mean to you?

I have always been fascinated by contrasts.
Tiny old ladies in front of big symetric
building for example

This is a picture of some workers trying to
fix the grass at the Stockholm

This is Krister in front of his mum and dad
who mean a lot to him

I call this picture "In a paralel world"

all pictures ©Viktor Gårdsäter

find more pictures by Viktor here