07 February 2007

Little Pandas paint by number party

If I was more like you
More soft
More pale
We could take drugs together
Hand in hand
Like father and son
I could live with you

Give up...

Xiu Xiu Ten-Thousand-Times-A-Minute

Invited guest: Katia Chausheva

La Notte

I was totally mesmerized when I first saw the work of Katia Chausheva.
She´s got a very personal style
and her images are filled with silent pain,
anxiety and longing.
Katia says that she has difficulties
expressing herself in words.That´s fine by me.
Her way of seeing speeks volumes...

invited by: helena nilsson

Out to the heavens above me

The Rose

I was waiting, the grass was black

My body was yours

see more here

IKEA für alle

photo: abeku

The other day, I spent some time fiddling around with technical issues (you know EI and proper developer) that has bothered me for some time. So I decided to expose a few frames indoors to sort it all out. I picked a simple object that would work for the idea. Once developed and printed, I found the technical part satisfying. The object itself, peaceful as it is and so harmless reminds me about the art work you can buy framed at Gallerix and IKEA and other places. So here you are, print it out and frame it. It's all free.

how the F blog works

There are many theories, such as "the seven keys", "the Tarkini engine" and
so on.
I found this sketch in a case. Probably top secret. /NG

from our friend in Toronto

If you´re tuned in to the F blog, you know all about Tatiana Bitir. She was
our invited guest 25 November 2006 and now and then she sends us some
showstoppers like these marvellous shots. Thanks Tatiana! - urbano

Photographer: Tatiana Bitir