Krystian Kujda and his "Cars"
Don't like to talk about myself.
27, I live in Tricity (Poland). I am photographing for 4 years, but "Cars" is my first conscious series.
I am taking my inspiration from cinema, preferably of B class. I am using different gear for photographing, but I use mostly Holga. Documental aspect of photography is beyond my interest and Holga makes the world unreal.
I am taking my inspiration from cinema, preferably of B class. I am using different gear for photographing, but I use mostly Holga. Documental aspect of photography is beyond my interest and Holga makes the world unreal.
not much, but I think it's enough...
text and pictures by Krystian Kujda aka yans mjolk
Photographic portraits of cars in urban environment create a story about time, passing by and hidden beauty appearing thanks to brown filter on the camera lens. This series of dead streets and their covered by dust heros seems to be a movie scenery for gangster movies of 1970s. Abandoned (or maybe just parked) vehicles are like parts of cut scene of the film…(part of the text from the exhibition of Krystian, which was presented in frame of Transfotografia 2008 festival.
invited by Marcin Górski