Christer Strömholm
Gunilla Knape: What do you want to convey with your pictures?
Christer Strömholm: I make images and they are not necessarily photographic pictures. What's important to me is what the picture says. The impression of the picture is what matters. That is even more important than the truth - a photographic truth.
From Strömholms last interview. Autumn 2000.
(Published in the “La Caixa Catalogue” 2001) Photograph: Jura 1949, Christer Strömholm
(by kind permission of Joakim Strömholm)
In autumn 2002 I went to see the exhibition Christer Strömholm 1918 – 2002. On verra bien at Färgfabriken in Stockholm. I was strongly impressed by seeing this great collection of Strömholms work. To me he is one of the true masters.
Official homepage of CHrister Strömholm
Anders Marners article: "Christer Strömholm and First-Person Surrealism (PDF)