25 April 2007

Photography is (dis)believing

Once again the F blog is visited by Gustav Gustafsson. He will exhibit at Else Madsen Gallery in Austin, Texas, April 20th thru May 25th. Be sure to visit!

When I look at these photos by Gustav, I come to think of a quote from a theatre play I recently saw in Göteborg, Sweden: "Don't ever do that again - or I will have to keep doing it for the rest of my life."

- Joakim Sebring

palm tree shadow

Beautiful Holga picture by Ulla Larsson

Interior Anatomy

picture by Edward Hahn

point of view

picture by urbano

Angèle Etoundi Essamba in Stockholm

Pride and strength
If you are in Stockholm this summer you should definitely visit
Kulturhuset and explore the photography of Angèle Etoundi Essamba
from Cameroon. Her exhibition opens on May 12 and will be on show
until August 5.

For more information visit www.kulturhuset.se

photography - tatiana bitir

You do shots with cold blood….when you know the result will be good
and applauded ….and you do shots because your poor soul is melting…
for one reason …or another…or for no reason...when you do
…"poor shots"…! I would call the "poor shots"... Photography…!

text and pictures by Tatiana Bitir

See more pictures by tatiana under all invited guests, Canada or
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