28 April 2010

Invited guest: Joe White

The project looks at the concept of a passing sense of presence within a photograph, left buy a person(s) without physically having a human life in any image.
My interiors are the documentation of student housing, capturing living rooms to convey the immediate past. By using this method I have created a frank and honest portrait of the students themselves.

photos by Joe White


20 April 2010


Aleksandra is selling tango shoes from Argentina in her shop in Warsaw
by Tomek Adamowicz /previously in Fblog/

something for the F-blog

by mary c mitchell

17 April 2010

Where are you Lotti?

There are things that are not that easy to explain.
Like Springsteen.
I normally don't like him very much.
I think he has become an american Lill-Babs.
He has become to popular, to mainstream, to kind for my taste.

But yet, when I listen to Rosalita from -73.
Then I forgot about those things.


'Windows are for cheaters, chimneys for the poor
Closets are for hangers, winners use the door
So use it Rosie, that's what it's there for'

Has anyone said it better than that?


07 April 2010

exhibition: Identity Proofs - scene 2

Anyone who comes across Gliwice in April, please be welcome to visit the exhibition I'm opening tomorrow.

Identity Proofs – scene 2

Aneta Grzeszykowska / Joachim Schmid

Identity Proofs is a photographic exposition presenting works of artists dealing with the issue of identity. Four artists were invited to present individual projects at the Art ReadingRoom – new space created next to the Museum in Gliwice. In the first edition, which took place in March, we had a chance to see the works of Dita Pepe and Jerzy Lewczyński.

For the second edition, which will start on April 8th, we invited a young Polish photographer, Aneta Grzeszykowska, and German artist-sociologist, Joachim Schmid.

The April exposition is supposed to focus the visitors’ attention on the problem of identity perceived through our ‘visual quality’, our personal appearance. Presented will be a series of illusional portraits of non-existent people by Aneta Grzeszykowska. Through digital manipulation of the image, the artist creates fake persons who are very convincing in their detailed appearance. This cycle will be juxtaposed with the work of Joachim Schmid’s, in which, as in most of his creation, he uses found photographs. Old, torn apart studio portraits – probably made for IDs’ – are organized in the way that produces new, double portraits. Combined features of two different people create a disturbing image of some new, unknown identity. Confronting the works of Schmid and Grzeszykowska should arise doubts and destroy our confidence in what and whom we actually see.

letf: Aneta Grzeszykowska, from the series "Untitled People",
rigth: Joachim Schmid, from the series "Photogenetic Drafts"

Bubo bubo

06 April 2010

back to back.

how not to make a photograph? hey, watch your back!
http://fotoartaddict.blogspot.com when you enter gallery or a museum with a camera, i'll be after you.

03 April 2010

baby blues.

meet Tadeusz and his father /reading 'baby blues', awesome comic, kind of survival guide for young parents/