03 July 2007


Picture by Ulla Larsson

From 1982-1994 "Planket" was a major event, where Swedish photographers
showed their work. And Planket is back! On June 30
people came from all
around to enjoy some great pictures by 80 photographers.
The exhibition was
according to the tradition held in
Vitabergsparken, Stockholm.

On a 70 meter long
wall each photographer was provided with a fixed space
to hang their work. As you can see from the pictures by Mikael and Ulla it
was raining (Swedish summer) but
people who where there reported that
they had a really good time.

The F Blog is happy to receive the news about the revival of Planket. Some
of the
participating photographers have been guests on our site like
Micke Berg, Gunnar
Smoliansky, Lars Tunbjörk, Gerry Johansson,
Sanna Sjöswärd, Paul Hansen, Bengt Björkbom and JH Engström.

See our list of all invited guests.

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