03 April 2008

found negatives

I love to collect vintage photos at antique stores and yard sales. But these are my two favorite 'found' photos. When I bought my diana camera from ebay it had a partially exposed roll of film in it. Supposedly it had been hidden away in an attic for 20-30 years. I developed the film and there was actually two pictures on it. I would love to know who the woman is and who the photographer was but I guess it will be one of those unsolved mysteries. /Rhonda

The picture above was sent to us by Benny Persson who found the negativ with some vintage cameras that he got hold of. Perhaps is this The F Blog version of "fotos encontradas" or "found photo booth photos? You should also have at look at the series "Let me be the one who brings you back to the light" - they were old glass plates that were given to Tom, who scanned them and brought them back to life on the F Blog. And why not try a new feature on the blog to find the pictures; The F Blog search engine. You will find it in the sidebar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

old negatives behave and looks like a human memory