Inbox: Susanne Willuhn
A while ago we got a mail from Susanne Willuhn with a link to her page with some wonderful photos. We're now proud to be able to show them to you. Enjoy!

"I am an autodidacte and began to take pictures a few years ago as way to express and explore myself.
When asked what my photography is about I usually don't know what to answer. Maybe it is because I don't have any special motives or themes.
For me my pictures are all about my personal daydreams, longings, the memories i like to hold or regain, reminiscences and so on.
My photographic approach is mostly intuitive. It's about the secrets of everyday life as it is in its authentic form, without arrangements or other alterations made for the pictures. I seek to show the potential ambiguity of everyday settings and the spirit of the people involved. Imaginary worlds and shifting moods are meant to become visible."
s.w. is definitely one of my favourite photographers. when I saw her pictures for the first time I could feel them talking to me in a special language, as if they were stroking some hidden chord with me. it's been an amazing experience!
excellent works
with all due respect to creativity it may be allowed to say that I truly don't see anything photographically outstanding in those works.
they remind me rather of hard to place and confused views of the inside of an human being. personally motivated like a snapshot diary, but not of photographic interest to people outside. maybe one has to know her personally to find something speaking in her pictures.
nice woork! simple yet evocative, you can really feel that time has stop...
A visual beacon, for me. I was mesmerized the first time I saw her photographs. much beyond the technicalities of photography which are nothing but a means through which creativity flows, not an end in itself. I wish I could see them live.
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