Berenika (invited by abeku)
The quality of Berenikas artwork strucked me instantly when I discovered her huge production of artwork at Each and everyone of the pictures deserves the viewer's attention.
photo: B Berenika (see actual photo at
To pick a few examples from her portfolio is a challenge. Overall there's a subtle evolution and various themes are seen. To me, there's a surrealistic landscape in pleasant shades of grey, and just like a Tarkovski movie there are scenes of colour that add to the context.
photo: B Berenika (see actual photo at
The contemplative mood and silence strikes me when I walk around in her world. There's a strong feeling of being in a observer, watching things on few feet distance. I feel comfortable walking around in her world of mystery.
photo: B Berenika (see actual photo at
I wish Berenika will compile some of her work at a dedicated site in her name. That would be an oasis to go back in order to find inspiration. Most of Berenikas photographic work is available for sale. To buy a print, please contact her at: Invited by Anders Blomqvist.