Emotional photography (1)

All of us go through a difficult period from time to time, as life naturally, and sometimes tragically, goes on. In my case, I was going through a divorce, which (then) took me by surprise.
While going through all the emotional roller-coaster stages, I kept photographing, but even more, expressing my feelings through photography. The quality of it varied, but it served an excellent purpose of being my safety valve during this period.
Below is some of the photos that I in hindsight feel meant the most to me. Some good, some ugly, -- simply emotional photos.
I don't wish anyone a crisis in any way, although they sometimes are inevitable. But if you are going through one, try - well really try - to keep on expressing and capturing your feelings throughout the period. I firmly believe it is a strong channel to your feelings.

All the Dead Ends

Failed Expectations

Too many books (moving out)

I'm okey, I'm fine
so good to see
too many books
yes, I think I have been there too
Yes, I remember these pictures. They are all very strong. Just like you, I use photography as a tool to express myself and sometimes it serves as safety valve. Damn good posting, Cwe!
I wish I had done more of this during a crisis...next time I will remember! very moving!
Thanks for sharing this cwe! Very strong pictures! I will think of this next time a crisis thorns up.
yes, when criis hits "I will shoot my way through this." That is always the first thought. You did it beautifully here.
Sad, strong but also beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
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